Our mission, in short, is to help people. We intend to do this by empowering them to build their own infrastructure, collect their own water and grow their own food. By teaching people how to care for themselves and each other, we can create vibrant, sustainable communities that will be thriving far into the future.
Other than that, we are expanding our Projects to the big issue related to Plastic Pollution on the Water…
This issue is also, straightly correlated with our Clean Water Project, in fact, most of the rivers and lakes in the poor areas, are contaminated by Microplastic and other Deadly Chemicals.
Check out our new Project: Blue Ocean Cleanup
Our Strategy to Help:
Here’s how it works: We select five locations in a single location that are no further than 50 kilometers from each other.
On a map, we make a circle or star to help choose a sixth, central location. We call the five initial locations “satellite locations,” and we call the central location “the heart.” The satellite locations connect with the other locations, and they all connect to the heart.
The satellite locations all receive the help necessary to gain access to potable water, achieve food autonomy through cultivation, and gain all the tools needed to build houses and toilets for refugees.
The heart serves as the center of the satellite locations, and will have infrastructure that can be used as a headquarters, hospital, schools and accommodations for volunteers. It will also serve as the distribution center for solar- and wind-generated electricity.
This layout gives us the ability for any satellite village to be autonomous, while at the same time allowing to access support if needed from the heart.
Each satellite location has the right to ask the satellite locations for help – and each satellite location has the obligation to help any other satellite location in the event it needs water, food, or any other help. This allows each satellite to be independent while still feeling like it’s part of a community. It also gives each satellite a chance to tap into its competitive spirit, encouraging it to produce more resources.
Satellites will be courage to differentiate their crops to take different climates and land types into account. Each location will be courage to produce enough so that excess amounts can be exchanged with other locations, strengthening the relationships between them. It will encourage the exchange of ideas between locations and help the populations of each location diversify its diet for the health of all its residents.
Here is the procedure for creating the Heart:
1. We will drill a well to provide potable water.
2. We will provide the tools and knowledge necessary to build houses, a hospital, volunteer accommodations, schools, a hospital and other infrastructure.
3. We will provide all the knowledge and tools necessary to cultivate and produce food in both open space and greenhouses.
4. We will help make ponds to breed eels to help diversify the diet.
5. We will provide bikes, trucks and motorcycles to facilitate quicker communication between satellites and the heart.
6. We will set up a power station to generate energy from the sun and wind.
7. We will create an experimental “humidity extractor” that will be used to extract water from the humidity in the air, so potable water will always be available, even if any of the well water becomes contaminated.
Here are the steps that will be taken for each satellite location:
1. First, we will drill a well to provide potable water.
2. We will provide the tools and the knowledge necessary for residents to build a house and other infrastructure, as well as to cultivate food, both in open space and in greenhouses.
3. In order to help diversify the population’s diet, we will show the residents how to make ponds to breed eels, which are resilient and reproduce very quickly.
4. We will provide bikes, trucks and motorcycles, allowing residents of satellite locations to travel more quickly to other satellites, thus facilitating quick communication.
Transforming lives is expensive, and although we try to do as much as we can with sweat equity, there are inevitable costs that go into making our vision of sustainable African communities a reality.
Here are some of the costs we incur while enacting our vision of lifting African communities out of poverty “average costs”:
- Well – $5.000 – We will drill wells at each of the village sites, as well as the central Heart location, to ensure the availability of clean, potable water.
- Solar Panel and Windmill – $6.000 – We will install solar panels or windmills in the central Heart to provide electricity for all of our locations.
- Transportation – $50 to $2.800 – We will provide bicycles, trucks, and motorcycles to help connect each of our locations to each other, fostering a spirit of cooperation.
- Building a House “Basic Equipment/Tools/Materials” – $12.000 – We will empower the residents of our communities to build their own homes, but we cover the cost of materials used to build the homes. We also build community facilities such as hospitals and schools.
If with your action you can make happy someone, then, it was worth it.
Some men see things as they are and say: Why?
I dream things that never existed and I say: Why not?
Give to a man a piece of bread, you feed him for a day, Teach a man to farm, you feed him for a lifetime.
Clean water is an essential part of life. Victor Water for Life fulfills this need in two ways. First, wells are drilled in several villages. Secondly, we install an experimental “humidity extractor” machine that can extract water from the humidity in the air. Even if any of the well water becomes contaminated, potable water will always be available from the machine.
Victor Water for Life helps villagers nourish their bodies by promoting the growth of food. A network of villages grows a variety of crops, and is encouraged to trade their surplus crops with other villages, maximizing the diversity of the villagers’ diets.
Education is an important part of life, and we strive to make it accessible to villagers. We do this by building schools in the central hub. We also teach the villagers essential skills related to agriculture, building infrastructure and more.
We believe everyone should have access to health care. We build hospitals in our central hubs to address villagers’ health needs. And because we provide each location with transportation, reliable health care is always just a short trip away.
We provide the villagers with the tools they need to build housing and toilets for themselves. In the central hub, we build houses, a hospital, volunteer accommodations, schools and other infrastructure. Energy is generated from solar and wind.
Our Team

Andrea Cadelano • President

Anasofia Cedeno • HR Director

Luca De March • Operative Director
Our Strategy to Help
Locations Project
Discover more about our Actives Location:
Star One
The Heart
The Satellites
Here’s how it works:
We select five locations in a single location that are no further than 50 kilometers from each other.
On a map, we make a circle or star to help choose a sixth, central location. We call the five initial locations “satellite locations,” and we call the central location “the heart.” The satellite locations connect with the other locations, and they all connect to the heart.
The satellite locations all receive the help necessary to gain access to potable water, achieve food autonomy through cultivation, and gain all the tools needed to build houses and toilets for refugees.
The heart serves as the center of the satellite locations, and will have infrastructure that can be used as a headquarters, hospital, schools and accommodations for volunteers. It will also serve as the distribution center for solar- and wind-generated electricity.
This layout gives us the ability for any satellite village to be autonomous, while at the same time allowing to access support if needed from the heart.
As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.